Friday, October 25, 2013

Negativity. This post actually comes off quite negatively haha.

Hello all!

My apologies that I have not updated in a LONG, long time.  I have been busy with life...and stuff haha.

Good.  Now that we have that out of the way, I can continue.  I have recently, and for a long while, found myself around certain people who, no matter what the situation, can find negativity in what's going on.  Now, I understand that I am somewhat more positive thinking than your average person, and in most situations, I can tolerate a normal person's pessimism.  Tolerate.

This means that anyone with less-than-normal levels of optimism makes me want to do things that I, as a human, am not proud of.  These things aren't like 'tell them what I think' or back hand them lightly on the shoulder...these things are so bad that I can't even publish them as the risk of prosecution is just too high, and I don't ever want to be near a UK prison.  I get really angry and frustrated when someone shows no signs of positivity.  Now, don't get me wrong, I am aware that my life has been much better and easier than many, and I have my parents as well as luck to thank for that.  So I know that some people haven't seen anything in their lives aside from negativity, in which case, I understand why their immediate response to any and all situations could be negative...only then can and will I put aside my frustration.

I know that some of you are dying for some examples of different types of this kind of negativity I speak about.  To my immediate recollection, there are at least 5 different types:


I love hearing about peoples' negative experiences at the cinema because the funniest things in life are always true, and we've all had poor experiences at the cinema, whether it be the wait in line or the ridiculous number of pre-trailer garbage that is shoved down our throats when we sit down.  That's all good and understandable negativity.

The kind of pessimism I'm talking about is much more pull-my-hair-out frustrating (and people who know me realise that I have very short hair and would have to do this a few hairs at-a-time.  Ouchy).  These people will need a name for story sake - we'll call him an acquired name like Xander (which can be pulled off, but only by the best people).  Xander has decided that he will go see a movie on Friday, one that he has been interested in seeing for quite some time now.  Much to his confusion, though, Xander can't find anyone who wants to go with him (ummm...hint much, Xander?), so he decides to go alone.  Now, throughout the movie, everyone around him can't seem to ignore all of the *tisks* and *sighs* of disapproval coming from Xander's seat.  Once home from his supposed torturous experience, Xander decides that everyone on his Facebook feed wants to hear his thoughts on this movie - most often, a movie that everyone else seemed to have liked.  Somehow, he seems to be the only person with anything negative to say about this film.  There are many people like Xander out there, and they know who they are.  Please stop this non-sensical hatred for normal films that are fine.  If you can't provide constructive thoughts, no one wants to hear them.  "I thought the White House Down was awful"...WHY DID YOU PAY $15.00 FOR A TICKET?  I mean, you knew pretty much what you'd be getting from the title, surely you either like that type of thing or you don't, just stop, stop.  

Then you have the comments about great films that no one of any intelligence could hate (maybe it's not their cup of tea, but they can still admit its greatness), like The Dark Knight Rises, Lord of the Rings (which you will never catch me watching, but I can respect it's quality), Captain Phillips, etc.  These are films that you go to only if you want to see them (or you are a film critic - shout out to Stu!), they are not light, fluffy, anybody films.  These comments are usually SO far out there that you have to just laugh at these people...unless you're me...if you're me, you want to hurt them.  Badly.  The comments are usually about plot, screenplay, score, cinematography, costume, etc.  Things that all of these people want to pretend to know something about, but very few people actually know anything about (unless you are an expert of film or costuming - shout out to Stu again...and Brenda, Shelly, Deanna, Kirby and Hayleigh.  Yo!).  You're just making everyone want to go to movies with you less and are pretty much 'un-friending' yourself!


Here is a subject that everyone seems to have an opinion on, it's a place toward which a lot of people seem to have an automatic negative reaction when it comes to visiting, despite most of them never having been before.  I am here to tell you that if you haven't been to America (or Canada for that matter), you want to...even if you know for sure you don't want to, you do.  This is a country with such vast differences in scenery, culture and history that you'd have to be ignorant not to want (notice I've said 'want', I would never slight someone who wasn't able to go) to see it.  I'll end this one short because if you're one who doesn't want to go, nothing is going to change your mind because you've got your head so far up yo...see, that's what happens when I get out of control...


Touchy subject, music, isn't it.  This will be the shortest of them all.  Music is personal, just because you don't like an artist doesn't mean everyone else has to hate them.  There are many HUGE artists which I KNOW have little-to-no musical talent, but if you like them, have at 'er, all the power to ya.  Except Paul McCartney.  He's awful.  Everyone hate Paul.


Hahahaha this is the funniest one.  This one is about all of those people (and there are TONS) who post on Sunday night "Can't wait 'til Friday!'...what?  WHAT?  You haven't even BEEN to work yet!  Surely you should be looking for new employment if you hate your job this much.  I read in the Metro, or whatever s!@#$% paper they give you on the bus, that more than 75% of UK workers are unhappy in their current professional position...WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?  Nobody aside from yourself is going to get you to a different job.  Get up and apply for a different job if you hate this one so much.

One other thing I hate is people who have unwarranted hatred for those who move ahead and forward within a workplace.  You have no business being angry with anyone but yourself when it comes to you not getting a certain job or being placed in a certain position.  Stop it, you're being petty.


This one actually makes me laugh.  All these Facebook users who put those status posts up about Facebook not being allowed to use their photos and stuff.  First of all, if you're putting this 'legally binding' (which it's not, by the way) post on your wall stating that you don't allow Facebook to use your stuff, you're probably so boring that they wouldn't want your stuff.  Second, if Facebook wants your details, they'll just take them, they're a billion dollar corporation, they'll have no problem with you taking them to court, because in the end, they'll either ride it out for so long that you'll drown in debt, or they'll pay you $1000 settlement and they'll make millions from whatever it is they're doing with your stuff.

Another thing which I find to be incredibly funny is when people get all hot and bothered when Facebook changes something of appearance or utility.  Once again, first of all, it probably looks and works better than it did before or they wouldn't bother spending millions doing it.  Second, it's a free f#$%@!* service.  FREE.  This means, as a member, you have ABSOLUTELY no say in any changes Faceook makes with their website.  Just leave and get a MySpace account or whatever other 3rd rate social network there is out there nowadays.  OH, get a Twitter account.  Haha I only say that because I don't get Twitter, but I'm sure it's good.

Well, thanks for tuning in to another rant, I'll try and make sure these are closer together in the future. Pace Uscita!